Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lethal, hate and obscure

Let the appalling lack of all quality controls commence!



A true blues for Jack Ruby as recorded by and delivered in the severely damaged twang of one Kenny Smith. Recorded at Indiana State Prison - no year provided - though from the subject matter it would appear that inmate Smith never quite got over the traumatic events of November, '63. Both sides deal in weird, late-night conspiracy babble about the Kennedy assassination, but it's on the record's B-side that Kenny truly lets his inner Legendary Stardust Cowboy shine with frighteningly bizarre results. What I can only assume were intended to be backing vocals on "The Triangle" sound more like budget haunted-house sound-effects or post-lobotomy psych ward groans. A truly fried affair with proto-late-night-Art-Bell-call-in-show moves, made all the more puzzling by the Baton Rouge, Louisiana label which released it. Maybe Kenny was the man Jim Garrison really needed to talk to.

Slip inside "The Triangle" below:

1 comment:

Martin S said...

That was weird and yes, he DID have a twang in his voice!